Lumpiang Shanghai: Filipino Spring Rolls

Whenever I am having non-Filipino guests, I always make sure I have some fried lumpiang shanghai in my menu, just 'coz it's such a safe dish (they nibble on these like M&M's). I change the meat variety from time to time, add more veggies or even add some chopped shrimp.

I wasn't a good lumpia-maker to start with, but there came a time when my cousins and I would race on who can wrap the most lumpia in a minute. Eventually, my aunt won that challenge but I have learned something from it, which is the most important lesson when wrapping lumpia: Start tight, finish tight.

What you need:
- 1 lb. ground beef
- 1 stalk of celery, chopped
- 1 medium sized carrot, chopped
- 1 medium sized onion, chopped (or 2 stalks of green onions, chopped)
- 1 tbsp. Oyster Sauce
- 1 tsp. Sesame Oil
- Dash of salt, pepper and garlic powder

- 1 pack of Egg Roll Wrapper, cut in half diagonally
- Paste made with 1 tbsp. cornstarch dissolved in 1/3 cup of water, microwaved for 30 seconds

How it's done:
Mix ground beef, chopped veggies, oyster sauce and seasonings together.
Prepare your working station.

When everything is ready, start rolling. I usually place a spoon of the ground beef mixture per lumpia. Remember: start tight, finish tight. Seal with the cornstarch paste.

This recipe yields to around 60-75 pieces of lumpia, depending on how thick you want it to be. Heat up your frier, and deep fry. I cut the fried lumpia in half, just to make it bite-sized. Serve with sweet chili sauce.

Kam's Tips:
  • What to do with unused lumpia wrapper? Make sure you store them in a sealed container/bag and place them in the freezer, or you can make turon for dessert!
  • You can save uncooked lumpia in the freezer for next time.
  • I use Menlo Egg Roll Wrapper. Tried and tested!
  • The best mixing tool when combining all lumpia ingredients, are your hands :)

Gadgets Used:
  • Hate chopping? I use a mini-chopper. They are so helpful, I actually have two! One for baking and one for cooking.
